I was applying to business school while working for a non-profit space, so paying $8k (cost of a 4-school package from most consulting companies) wasn’t feasible. However, I was worried about competing against other candidates who were taking advantage of such services, and I really needed a formal way to think through all the story ideas spinning around in my head.
I was able to go through the entire application process from resume to essays on my own time, without having to worry about scheduling calls (although after going through the module, I did end up taking advantage of ApplicantLab’s editing services, which were phenomenal as well). The advice that the module provided was identical – if not more personalized in some instances – to advice I’d heard that my friends received from their consultants.
The platform provides a great way to organize all of your stories, link them to values, and pull them into cohesive essays. They will stay organized and be there waiting for you every time you need to take a brain break and come back. Such a cost effective way to de-stress the application process!