I would recommend Applicant Lab without reservation. There are things you can’t really change in your application (GPA, school, etc.), but Applicant Lab really helps you make the most of the parts of the application that you can control.
The Lab was a game changer in writing my essays and crafting a compelling story for each school. The self-service model appealed to me (as did the price), especially after some underwhelming consultations with traditional admissions consultants. I probably didn’t use all the storyboarding/planning tools to their fullest, but just the advice and videos alone were so helpful. For example, beyond the big ticket items like essays and recommendations, there are a ton of little things in the application forms that I probably would have underutilized without Maria’s guidance in the Lab. Early on, I also used the “Sanity Check” service with Carin. Her advice really helped me view the application holistically and identify areas to focus my attention.
If you’re serious about MBA applications, you won’t find a better value than Applicant Lab.