I first heard about ApplicantLab during DMAC (Diversity MBA Admissions Conference). Maria did a presentation and I was extremely impressed by 1) how much knowledge she had 2) 2) how she approached the MBA applications process 3) how straight to the point she was, yet also has the ability to be personal and relate to each one of us in some way or another. I took some time to think and even did a few free initial calls with admissions consultants such as Fortuna, but the price was just not up my alley given how much I spent on test tutoring and HBS CORe already and it felt way too “sales-y” to me. Also, there was no guarantee I’d get in so why would I pay upwards of 10K+?!?!?!?!
I decided to go with ApplicantLab and I am SO happy I did. There is a plethora of information on the tool and in particular, I utilized the platform for writing my essays and putting my story together. The platform helped me figure out how to approach my story/questions and really play my strengths, as well as mitigate weaknesses.
Maria is affordable and also the sweetest kindest woman! Go with Applicant Lab and you won’t regret it. I even contacted her after I got in and she was so happy for me.