I got accepted by ie business school in 2017 because of Applicantlab, and I’d like to share my fantastic experience. Before I purchased her service, I’d done a lot of researches and saw a millions of great feedback about Applicantlab. However, I had a concern which...
IE Business School
ApplicantLab has helped students from every industry, every background, and with every “weakness” learn how to tell their stories in a way that resonates with admissions officers… all for thousands of dollars less than traditional MBA admissions consulting! The Lab costs a lot less, but it truly works – see some of our 3rd-party verified success stories:
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ie business school accepted
I got accepted by ie business school in 2017 because of Applicantlab, and I’d like to share my fantastic experience. Before I purchased her service, I’d done a lot of researches and saw a millions of great feedback about Applicantlab. However, I had a concern which...